MCQ and Quiz Link

Subject Name Practice Set Link Exam Quiz Link
Advance Marketing Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Advanced Financial Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Advanced Management Accounting Start Study Practice Give Exam
Advanced Strategic Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Basics of Database Management System Start Study Practice Give Exam
Business Analytics using R Programming Start Study Practice Give Exam
Business Relationship Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Competency Based Human Resource Management System Start Study Practice Give Exam
Consumer Behavior Start Study Practice Give Exam
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Start Study Practice Give Exam
Cost Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Data Mining Start Study Practice Give Exam
Digital Business Start Study Practice Give Exam
Emotional Intelligence Start Study Practice Give Exam
Employee Relations and Labour Legislations Start Study Practice Give Exam
Employment Relations Start Study Practice Give Exam
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Export Import Procedures and Documentation Start Study Practice Give Exam
Financial Derivatives and Risk Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Financial Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Financial Markets and Banking Operations Start Study Practice Give Exam
Financial Markets and Institutions Start Study Practice Give Exam
HR Operations Start Study Practice Give Exam
Human Resource Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Income Tax Law and Practice Start Study Practice Give Exam
India’s foreign Trade Start Study Practice Give Exam
Indirect Taxation Start Study Practice Give Exam
Industrial Relations and Labour Laws Start Study Practice Give Exam
Information Systems Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
International Business Start Study Practice Give Exam
International Business Economics Start Study Practice Give Exam
International Economics Start Study Practice Give Exam
International finance Start Study Practice Give Exam
International Financial Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
International Marketing Start Study Practice Give Exam
Management of International Business Start Study Practice Give Exam
Management of Non-profit organizations Start Study Practice Give Exam
Management Science Start Study Practice Give Exam
Management Theory and Organizational Behaviour Start Study Practice Give Exam
Marketing Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Operation Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Performance Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Personal Financial Planning Start Study Practice Give Exam
Project Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Qualitative Research Methods Start Study Practice Give Exam
Quantitative Techniques Start Study Practice Give Exam
Research Methodology Start Study Practice Give Exam
Retail Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Security Analysis and Investment Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Service Marketing Start Study Practice Give Exam
Software Project Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Start Up and New Venture Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Strategic Cost Accounting Start Study Practice Give Exam
Strategic Financial Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Strategic Human Resource Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Strategic Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Supply Chain and Logistics Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Supply chain management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Tax Planning and Management Start Study Practice Give Exam
Training and Development Start Study Practice Give Exam

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FAQ of Multiple Choice Question

Q1: What is an MCQ test?

Answer: Multiple-choice questions (i.e. MCQs) are composed of two parts: a stem that specifies the question or problem, and a set of alternatives or possible answers that include a key that represents the best answer to the question, and several distractors that represent plausible but incorrect answers to the question.

Q2: What is the advantages of MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)?

Answer: There are 3 most advantages of MCQs.
a. One of the most obvious advantages of MCQ type is actual answer display on screen or on offline question paper.

b. It’s common for students who have difficulty remembering information to fail to remember it when they’re under pressure in an exam.

c. Short and sharp MCQs allow for more questions to be offered in a test environment, allowing for a more comprehensive testing of a student’s knowledge.

Q3: Why do students like MCQs i.e. Multiple Choice Questions?

Answer: It is most effective to employ multiple-choice items to determine if students have learnt facts and normal procedures for which there is a single, clearly correct response. ” In actuality, many complex situations requiring high-level reasoning abilities and inventiveness do have a “clearly correct” solution that is “one and only one.”

Latest MCQ with answer