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Question: ___ and ___ are the major factors influencing the selection of suppliers.
A. Price and QuantityB. Price and Quality.
C. Price and Delivery.
D. Quantity and Delivery.
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Question: ___ are the basic human requirements
A. Needs.B. Wants.
C. Luxuries.
D. Offerings.
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Question: ___ are vehicles or channels through which the advertising messages are transmitted to target consumers so that the desired action may be induced at the consumer level
A. advertisement mediaB. advertisement copy
C. advertising layout
D. teaser advertisements
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Question: ___ are wants for specific products that are backed up an ability and willingness to buy them.
A. Demand.B. Wants.
C. Needs.
D. Desire.
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Question: ___ concept holds consumers will favour those products that offer the most quality orperformance.
A. Product.B. Selling.
C. Production.
D. Sales.
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Question: ___ concept holds that consumers will favour those products that are conveniently available in adequate quantity and affordable.
A. Product.B. Production.
C. Selling.
D. Buying.
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Question: ___ concepts holds that consumers if left alone will ordinarily not buy enough of the Organization s products.
A. Marketing.B. Product.
C. Selling.
D. Buying.
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Question: ___ consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of wants
A. Micro MarketingB. Mass Marketing.
C. Market Segment.
D. Market targeting.
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Question: ___ emerges when people decide to satisfy and want through exchange.
A. Marketing.B. Sales.
C. Purchase.
D. Accounting.
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Question: ___ includes that other company s offering similar products & services to the samecustomer at similar prices.
A. Supply Chain.B. Competition.
C. Product.
D. Price
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Question: ___ includes the configuration of benefits, value, cost and satisfaction
A. Demand.B. Innovation.
C. Creativity.
D. Invention.
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Question: ___ involves managing demand, which in turn involves managing customer relationship.
A. Marketing management.B. Direct marketing.
C. Production management.
D. Advertising.
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Question: ___ is a marketing channel that has no intermediary levels.
A. direct marketing channelB. indirect marketing channel
C. forward channel
D. hybrid channel
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Question: ___ is a measure of attachment that a consumer has to a brand.
A. Brand loyaltyB. Brand association
C. Brand Equity
D. Brand awareness
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Question: ___ is a non-paid form of promotion
A. AdvertisingB. Direct Marketing
C. Sales Promotion
D. Publicity
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Question: ___ is a plan of presenting the message in a more specific and compact form within the advertising space available to the target consumers
A. advertisement mediaB. advertisement copy
C. advertising layout
D. teaser advertisements
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Question: ___ is a self-regulatory voluntary organization of the advertising industry
A. Securities and Exchange Board of IndiaB. Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
C. Medical Council of India
D. Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI)
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Question: ___ is direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to obtain animmediate response.
A. Personal sellingB. Public relations
C. Direct marketing
D. Sales promotion
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Question: ___ is directed towards consumers and traders with the intention to Increase immediate or short term sales.
A. AdvertisingB. Direct selling
C. Sales Promotion
D. Publicity
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Question: ___ is not a part of the external marketing environment.
A. Political.B. Legal.
C. Product.
D. Socio cultural.