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Exam Question
Tests of market efficiency have focused on…
- 1. the mean-variance efficiency of the selected market proxy
- 2. strategies that would have provided superior risk-adjusted returns
- 3. results of actual investments of professional managers
- 4. B and C
- 5. A and B
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Exam Question
According to the efficient market hypothesis:
- 1. High-beta stocks are consistently overpriced
- 2. Low-beta stocks are consistently overpriced
- 3. Positive alpha on stocks will quickly disappear
- 4. Negative alpha stocks consistently yield low return for arbitrageurs
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Exam Question
Statman (1977) argues that…is consistent with some investors’ irrational preference for stocks with high cash dividends and with a tendency to hold losing positions too long.
- 1. mental accounting
- 2. regret avoidance
- 3. overconfidence
- 4. conservatism
- 5. none of the above
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Exam Question
…bias means that investors are too slow in updating their beliefs in response to evidence.
- 1. framing
- 2. regret avoidance
- 3. overconfidence
- 4. conservatism
- 5. none of the above
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Exam Question
Assume the U.S. government was to decide to increase the budget deficit. This action will most likely cause…to increase.
- 1. interest rates
- 2. government borrowing
- 3. unemployment
- 4. both A and B
- 5. none of the above
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Exam Question
According to the efficient markets view, value stocks earn higher expected return than growth stocks because:
- 1. Value stocks are riskier than growth stock
- 2. Value stocks are less risky than growth stock
- 3. Value stocks have higher expected future payoffs than growth stock
- 4. Value stocks have lower expected future payoffs than growth stock
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Exam Question
Forecasting errors are potentially important because
- 1. research suggests that people underweight recent information
- 2. research suggests that people overweight recent information
- 3. research suggests that people correctly weight recent information
- 4. either A or B depending on whether the information was good or bad
- 5. none of the above
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Exam Question
DeBondt and Thaler believe that high P/E result from investors
- 1. earnings expectations that are too extreme
- 2. earnings expectations that are not extreme enough
- 3. stock price expectations that are too extreme
- 4. stock price expectations that are not extreme enough
- 5. none of the above
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Exam Question
Assume that a company is announcing an unexpectedly large dividend to its shareholders. In an efficient market without information leakage, one might expect:
- 1. An abnormal price change at the announcement
- 2. An abnormal price change before the announcement
- 3. An abnormal price change after the announcement
- 4. No abnormal price change before or after the announcement
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Exam Question
…is a measure of the extent to which a movement in the market index is reflected in the price movements of all stocks in the market.
- 1. put-call ratio
- 2. trin ratio
- 3. Breadth
- 4. confidence index
- 5. all of the above
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Exam Question
Arbel (1985) found that:
- 1. The January effect was highest for neglected firms
- 2. The book-to-market value ratio effect was highest in January
- 3. The liquidity effect was highest for small firms
- 4. The neglected firm effect was independent of the small firm effect
- 5. Small firms had higher book-to-market value ratios
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Exam Question
Arbitrageurs may be unable to exploit behavioral biases due to…
I) fundamental risk
II) implementation costs
III) model risk
IV) conservatism
V) regret avoidance
- 1. I and II only
- 2. I, II, and III
- 3. I, II, III, and V
- 4. II, III, and IV
- 5. IV and V
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Exam Question
Which of the following indexes of economic indicators are leading indicators:
a. Average weekly hours of production workers
b. Employees on non-agricultural payrolls
c. Personal income less transfer payments
d. Manufacturer’s new orders (consumer goods and materials industries)
- 1. Only b) and c)
- 2. Only a) and d)
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Exam Question
A “random walk” occurs when:
- 1. Stock price changes are random but predictable
- 2. Stock prices respond slowly to both new and old information
- 3. Future price changes are uncorrelated with the past price changes
- 4. Past information is useful in predicting future prices
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Exam Question
If a person gives too much weight to recent information compared to prior beliefs, they would make…errors.
- 1. framing
- 2. selection bias
- 3. overconfidence
- 4. conservatism
- 5. forecasting
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Exam Question
The anomalies literature…
- 1. provides a conclusive rejection of market efficiency
- 2. provides a conclusive support of market efficiency
- 3. suggests that several strategies would have provided superior returns
- 4. A and C
- 5. none of the above
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Exam Question
The efficient market hypothesis…
- 1. implies that security prices properly reflect information available to investors
- 2. has little empirical validity
- 3. implies that active traders will find it difficult to outperform a buy-and-hold strategy
- 4. B and C
- 5. A and C
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Exam Question
If all securities are fairly priced (relative to the intrinsic, or true, value) an arbitrage opportunity…exist
- 1. Must
- 2. Might
- 3. Must not
- 4. Non of the above
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Exam Question
Circle all true statements. According to the behavioral finance view of the financial market:
- 1. Investors sentiment may move stocks prices away from the fundamental values
- 2. Arbitrage forces cannot always correct the mis-valuations generated by investors sentiment
- 3. Arbitrage forces can never correct the mis-valuations generated by investors sentiment
- 4. Prices are not likely to be more inefficient for stocks with higher arbitrage costs
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Exam Question
Some economists believe that the anomalies literature is consistent with investors…and…
- 1. ability to always process information correctly and therefore they infer correct probability distributions about future rates of return; given a probability distribution of returns, they always make consistent and optimal decisions
- 2. inability to always process information correctly and therefore they infer incorrect probability distributions about future rates of return; given a probability distribution of returns, they always make consistent and optimal decisions
- 3. ability to always process information correctly and therefore they infer correct probability distributions about future rates of return; given a probability distribution of returns, they often make inconsistent or suboptimal decisions
- 4. inability to always process information correctly and therefore they infer incorrect probability distributions about future rates of return; given a probability distribution of returns, they often make inconsistent or suboptimal decisions
- 5. none of the above
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